
Christmas in the 9th Ward
9th Ward Document Center
Forms, Permits, and Applications
Business / Consumer
Block Parties
Consumer Fraud Complaint
If you have been scammed, the City’s Business Affairs & Consumer Protection/BACP prosecutes businesses for unlawful business practices. In some cases, BACP may collect restitution for the consumers who have been ripped off. Once a complaint is filed, either online or by calling 311, the consumer will be mailed a complaint affidavit in which the consumer explains what occurred in detail. It also requires a notarized signature so that BACP can begin to investigate the case. It is important that this competed affidavit be mailed back within the allotted time frame so the investigation can begin.
Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection complaint categories:
Illinois Attorney General Office/Kwame Raoul
Senior Concerns
Window Signs
Board of Elections
Permit for Block Parties and COVID Affidavit
** Both forms are required for a review
The Block Party Permit can be filled out and returned to the 9th Ward Service Office via email at Ward09@cityofchicago.org. Please write your email at the bottom of the form. Your permit will be emailed to you. The Fire Department and the Police Canine Unit are separate applications provided below. You will not receive confirmation of their attendance. This is a first come first serve basis and also depends on their workload for the day. Only block parties that have been active for at least one year are eligible for street closure.
Jumping Jack Online Application Opens in May
City Claims - Motor Vehicle Damage
City Claims - General Liability/Personal Injury
City Claims - How to assemble your claim
Be sure to download the "How to assemble your claim" to be sure you're following the steps properly
For ALL petitions 100% of the households involved with a petition must sign the petition. When 100% of the households involved have signed the petition please submit to the 9th Ward Office for processing.
Permit for Garage-Yard & Neighborhood Sales
Please fill out the form and submit it to the 9th Ward Office with your state-issued ID or driver's license along with a utility or tax bill. The address must be the same on all documentation.
MeterSave Program (to request a water meter)
(Apply as soon after January 1 as possible!)
Emergency Heating and Repair Program
Open enrollment for the Emergency Heating Repair Program runs from Nov. 1 thru April 1.